Engineered Labor Standards/Work Measurement
Engineered Labor Standards are the application of time and motion study and activity sampling techniques to determine the time for a qualified worker to complete a specific task at a determined level of performance.
Work Measurement has varying degrees of implementation, ranging from time studies to Lean practices to the very detailed level of industrial-engineered standards using techniques such as MOST (Maynard Operating Sequence Technique*).
Using the scientific approach of industrial engineering, organizations can optimize throughput by minimizing movement and eliminating unproductive or ineffective time.
MOST is a predetermined motion time system that sets the standard time an average worker should perform a task. Additionally, MOST has been proven globally for over 35 years and can be used in any operational environment, including administrative tasks.
Implementing Engineered Labor Standards in your warehouse operations can assist with budgeting, staff planning, scheduling, standard costing in designing worker incentive schemes, and facility capacity planning. In addition, from the workers’ standpoint, time standards indicate expected output and performance.
Whether you have a Labor Management System (LMS) or not, Waller & Associates can develop specific Engineered Labor Standards for your warehouse operational processes. We have experts trained and certified in MOST that have implemented these techniques in various industries. We will guide you through the methods of engineering and optimizing your distribution.