Simon Sinek
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 3
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 3
This time around, we are going to explore whether outcomes and results (the “what”) are more influenced by the “why” (motivation and values) or the “how” (operational process) of the business.
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 2
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 2
Today we are asking this question: Is the “why” really that important when it comes to implementing efficient supply chain optimization processes?
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 1
The Why, How, and What of Supply Chain Optimization – Part 1
We were inspired to think deeply about this topic by the principles and examples contained in the book Start With Why, by Simon Sinek – a British-American author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant.