Do You Need Help With Recruiting And Onboarding Logistics and Distribution Staff?
The success of your distribution chain is significantly affected by the quality of the personnel who work in the various areas that fall within this function, so it is vital to have the right people in place to ensure efficiency.
However, recruiting and properly onboarding new hires is not as easy as some might think. The structure and requirements of the SCM industry have fundamentally changed over the last few years, and so have the profiles and aspirations of many, especially younger, workers.

Some of the recruiting and onboarding challenges faced by companies that need to hire people to work in their SCM/logistics operations are:
- Older employees who are not familiar with newer types of handling equipment and not up to speed with the use of the latest technology and technology-driven processes. Retraining can often help to resolve this, although in some cases, there are mindset issues that need to be dealt with as well.
- Younger employees who are more tech-savvy but don’t necessarily see the SCM world as an attractive career choice. Often this is simply due to a misunderstanding of the diversity or roles available and how they fit into the wider business community.
As we move around and work with different companies and governmental agencies, our team of expert SCM professionals is exposed to, and is familiar with, a wide range of working environments in the industry – some of which have changed rapidly over the last few years. We have learned what works and what doesn’t, and we also fully understand the latest processes, equipment, and technology.
All of this gives us a useful perspective and the ability to help you develop hiring, onboarding, and retention policies and processes – and to assist with the actual selection, onboarding and training of SCM staff members as required.
Contact us now and let us help you get the right people, with the right skills, into the right places.