Supply chain

How Will Your Supply Chain Change Post-COVID-19?


Supply Chain Risk

Waller & Associates Post COVID-19 Supply Chain Industry Outlook – Commercial and Government Sectors

The first and foremost topic to be discussed post-COVID-19 in commercial and government sectors will be global supply chain risk assessment and mitigation strategy.

  • Supply Chain Risk Assessment
    • Commercial and Government sector supply chain executives will be reevaluating their perspective on the importance of global supply chain risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
    • The Commercial sector has generally viewed supply chain risk assessment as an administrative exercise and prioritized risk mitigation far below cost reduction and lowest landed cost of goods. This will change post COVID-19, with the C-Suite focusing more on supply chain disruption.
    • The Government Sector has done a better job at developing supply chain risk mitigation strategies. Because their focus is “mission success” driven, rather than profit driven they have developed more formal risk assessment and mitigation processes to plan for “what if” scenarios. Waller & Associates has been working closely with General Dynamics IT (GDIT) Supply Chain for several years helping them hone their supply chain risk assessment process and develop strategies and it is paying off with very little disruption to their government customers in the COVID-19 pandemic. The commercial sector can learn a lot about conducting supply chain risk assessments from the government sector.
    • The Global Supply Chain Institute at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville ( in conjunction with the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals ( has already responded to with a report entitled EPIC Global Supply Chain Risk Assessment (3/2020). There will be significantly more attention and publication on not only the “What” in supply chain risk assessment, but the “How” to thoroughly conduct a risk assessment and develop global mitigation strategies.

The professionals at Waller & Associates are experts at helping our client plan, organize and conduct global supply chain risk assessments and develop risk mitigation strategies. Check out our Supply Chain Risk Services page on our website and give us a call. We want to help you make your supply chain resilient to disruption.

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The Road Forward for the Supply Chain Industry

The Road Forward for the Supply Chain Industry

The world is changing, and so is the supply chain. Several factors have affected the way supply chains are designed, managed, and operated over the last few decades, e.g. increasing globalization, a shift in customer demand and expectations, and others, but the single biggest factor affecting the growth and structural change of most supply chains is technology – driven mostly by three core developments: the introduction and widespread use of the smartphone, expanded and freely available internet bandwidth, and connectivity at levels far greater than ever before via cloud-based solutions.

The report, Material Handling & Logistics U.S. Roadmap 2.0 (powered by MHI) takes a detailed look at the changing supply chain landscape by focusing on the four key forces in the supply chain: technology, consumers, workforce, and logistics infrastructure.

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The 2018 MHI Annual Industry Report – The Effect of Technology on Modern Supply Chains

The 2018 MHI Annual Industry Report – The Effect of Technology on Modern Supply Chains

Disruptive technologies and innovations are fundamentally changing the way supply chains operate.

The supply chain in most modern businesses is no longer mostly focused on simply moving goods, material, and products from one place to another. In keeping with the information age in which we live and do business, today’s supply chain is the foundation of a data-based system that aims to maximize efficiency and continually meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations.

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